Talmage turned 6 weeks old on Sunday! It's crazy how fast it has gone. He is a cute, good little baby. Everyone says, he looks like a boy. :) That's a good thing. I think some people must have questioned whether he would look like a boy since we have so many girls... I am enjoying Talmage more than I have any of my other babies because I know they only stay little for such a small amount of time. He has started smiling and I just love it. It always makes me happy when I can make him smile. I'm thankful for being blessed with baby Talmage.
We are going to be starting a new blog that is private. I feel I can share more of my personal feelings that way, so this will be the last time I post on this blog. If you would like to keep folllowing us just send me an e-mail at jennifer dot L dot pratt at gmail dot com. If you have any ideas for our new blog address we'd love them!