Monday, September 27, 2010

Freedom at Church!

Yesterday was a milestone day for Amaya. She is officially old enough to go to Nursery!! Yipee! She did great. She didn't cry and seemed to have a good time. It was definitely nice for Jared and I to be able to actually listen to the 2nd and 3rd hours of church.

Yesterday was also another first for Amaya... she broke her first bone. It's actually the first bone any of our kids have broken. After church we were sitting on the trampoline and Amaya put a purse on her head and was walking around. Silly, I know, but just before Jared could get her she stepped off the edge of the trampline. She landed on her shoulder and broke her collar bone. Ouch! She actually is doing really well. She is one cute, tough 18 month old girl!
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Emily said...

Oh, Jen, I hope she's doing alright. The poor little thing! How long will it take to heal do they think? That girl needs some good luck. I'll say prayers.

canihavethisdance said...

I can't believe that Amaya is in nursery already. She is growing up so fast! I hope she is feeling okay and will heal quickly!

Melissa said...

Poor girl! I'm sorry for you guys too. Broken bones are never fun. We'll be praying for you & her.

Evelyn said...

Just before I read this Todd and I were talking what we would do if Kensie broke a bone. How is it going? I can't imagine having a kid with a broken collarbone. Good luck with everything. Oh and congratulations on the freedom at church no matter how short lived it might be.