This past week ended up being quite a bit different than expected... Jared and I planned on going to Little Rock Arkansas because Jared had a business trip and I was going to tag along. That didn't end up happening. Earlier in the week Rachel got kind of sick and by Sunday Aliza was pretty sick, so we decided to take her in to quick care before leaving just to make sure everything was okay. (My mom got here on Sunday afternoon to watch the girls for the week)
Much to my surprise Aliza didn't get to come home. Her oxygen levels weren't high enough so she got admitted into the hospital and was diagnosed with pneumonia. Yikes! We sadly canceled our flights for the next morning and hoped we might possibly go later. We didn't end up going on our trip at all, but it ended up being okay because the first day of Jared's training was canceled because of snow. I will be able to use the money for the ticket some other time, so it's nice to know we have a trip coming up sometime in the future.
Aliza didn't get to come out of the hospital until Thursday. She has RAD -Reactive Airway Disease (basically a different name for Asthma) I felt so bad for her. Jared stayed with her most of the time so my mom and I could spend time with each other and so I could take care of the other sick kids at the house. I took Amaya to the doctor on Wednesday and she had a double ear infection and was developing bronchitis. The other girls were sick with similar things. Wow!
Thankfully by the time Aliza came home everyone was pretty much better. Aliza was SO happy to be home. My mom and I actually took the girls to the Temple so we were gone when Jared and Aliza got home. Aliza said, "Hey, where is everybody?" We got home shortly after. The girls were all so happy to see each other. They just played and were happy.
I was pretty sad at the start of the week, but everything worked out well. Little Rock had bad weather, my mom was up here to help with the kids, we took Aliza in and caught the pneumonia early, we were able to feel love from our church members and family, Jared already had time off from work and was able to use his sick leave, my testimony of the love Heavenly Father has for me grew. Everything worked out. I'm very thankful for so many things in my life. I am thankful Aliza is okay and that we have the medicine to help her stay healthy.
I am so happy my mom was here to help. It would have been much more difficult without her. I took her to the airport on Saturday afternoon.
Later Saturday afternoon we ended up going back to the E.R. This time for Amaya. We had an electric heater up high on an end table and somehow she got on the couch and then onto the arm of the couch and pulled the heater onto her face. It left two long stripes down her face, and some burns on her hand. We took her to the E.R. and the Dr. said they were 2rd and 3nd degree burns. I gave Amaya medicine right after it happened, and thought it would be a rough night, but she did and has done really well with everything. She is such a little sweetheart. We hope that the burns will heal properly. They actually already look much better.
I am thankful she wasn't hurt worse. (The picture doesn't do her poor burns justice, also, she pulled off the sock keeping her bandage on and put it in her mouth) Let's pray that we'll stay out of the hospital for the next while...
Oh no! I hope this doesn't become a yearly tradition for poor Aliza :(. That's such a bummer about your trip, but great that your mom could be in town to help out. I'm glad that Aliza and Amaya are both on the mend now!!
Oh my goodness! I'm glad everyone is alright...finally!
Poor little baby! (Not you... Amaya) :)I'm glad it wasn't worse and that it will heal. Love you!
Oh man. What a rough week! Hope this one will be MUCH easier on all of you.
Wow! What a crazy week! What a blessing to have your mom and Jared there though. I hope that all your beautiful girls get better soon!
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