On August 3, 1981 something great happened.... Jared McOmber Pratt was born! I am so thankful that Jared was born because where would I be without him! Jared is a great husband and daddy and I have so much fun with him. I won't go into all the mushy gooshy details, but I love Jared and I'm so happy to be able to celebrate his birthday with him!
Jared always has a great enthusiasm for life and is always willing to help take care of the girls. He is giving and a hard worker and strong in his faith of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I am thankful to know Jared and I love him very much. Happy Birthday Jared!
Where's the snow? We hope you have a fantastic year! Happy Birthday Jared!
Happy B-day! Man you got a snowboard? Lucky! You already seem like a natural!
Happy Birthday, Jared. I'm so glad to know you. The board looks great. Have a wonderful day!
Happy Birthday Jared!
We look forward to seeing you later this week!
Happy Birthday Jared! I'm so happy that you are in our family, and that Jen is so happy. We love you guys and can't wait to see you!
Happy Birthday ~ You two seem so perfect for each other. And you are so lucky to have found him!:)
Jen! I am so glad you found me! Who knew you had that many kids! I had no idea!! They are adorable!!!!
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