Monday, October 22, 2007



Aliza has started to become quite the photogenic little girl :) Whenever I pull out the camera she says (or tries to say) cheeeeese and sticks her face out to the camera while smiling this cute yet very cheesy smile. I think it's pretty adorable. I love Aliza so much, she is so fun. One of my favorite things she does is when she jumps up and down in her crib when I walk in to get her up for the day. She and Madeline usually get along great and she loves holding Rachel and "tickling" her. She even says "ticleticleticle". It's so fun having three little girls and I love each of them tons.
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1 comment:

Bon said...

I still can't believe we have the same number of children! It seems like yesterday you guys were my favorite family to babysit! Your family is absolutely beautiful! It is fun to see pictures of them!
