Sunday, February 10, 2008


The other day while I was taking a shower Aliza got into the flour. It reminded me of last year when Madeline put flour all over Aliza. I guess I should wait to take a shower until the girls are sleeping :)

Madeline drew her first person! She said this was a picture of Aliza.

The girls were all being cute so I took some pictures. Getting 2 out of 3 smiling is pretty good :)


The Hungry Homemaker said...

I love that Rachael looks completely different than the other two girlies! It just goes to you show you all babies are different. i especially love her big smile! I love the look on Aliza's face with the flour. Too cute!!

parkerfam said...

Ah the flour power girls! That's cute, as are the pictures of all the girls together. Jared had better practice the art of intimidation for those teenage dating years. One day he'll have to put the fear of God into some poor teenage boy...

Bon said...

your kids are so cute Jen!!