I've always wanted easy access to the church to play basketball. When I was 14 I started up JPI, my basketball league, and spend too much time every week getting that darn key. The Clarks always had it, but they wouldn't lend it to me until I first got an adult to supervise and second, formally schedule the church. It was a pain.
Over the years, I've had to make friends to whomever holds those keys in order to play basketball. There has been many day in which I'd go to the church early in the morning, only to find out that the key guy didn't show up and everyone mournfully had to go home.
Happy day, that pain should not happen again, at least for awhile. Jen just got keys somehow, so I intend to use them (responsibly of course). But she did say, that I would need her permission first, which could be an obstacle.