So we have had a leaky sink for quite a while and recently our drain has gotten clogged... everything in our cute little old house is breaking... so yesterday on Jared's day off he decided to fix the sink. He has already tried numerous times to fix the clog, so I think we're going to have to call a plumber, but he successfully changed the faucet so now it doesn't leak! All of this fix-it-up stuff is really new for Jared and I think it's funny how he gets grossed out by changing the faucet, but not by dissecting owl pellets :)
I usually just blog about the kids, but this blog is for Jared. I think he is such a great guy. Whenever he is at home he changes so many diapers and he is so willing to help out. He is a great daddy and husband and I'm very thankful to be married to him.
What a handy man! It is good to have those kind around!:)
Good Job Jared!!!! you are learning the lessons of life. Learn a skill and save big bucks. All the high school drop outs of my class went into plumbing, dry walling, etc. and had nice big homes by the time we were out of college, paying off a lot of school debts and being poor as church mice. Dad has saved us lots of money on electric wiring, plumbing with the long wire we had to use in Orem. The old home plumbing is challenging.
Today everything is plastic and that is not as strong. I learned in my 4-H workshop this week that all natural fibers dissolve with bleach (wool, hair, etc.) So just put some down your drains (clorox) every now and then. ACE hardware carries a real good drain cleaner:
Howdy -- this is a great site.
you don't happin' to be the same Jared Day that went to Blackfoot High? if so, we've started a new website to help find everyone for next year's reunion.
go to: and sign up.
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