My sister Melissa tagged me on her blog the other day. She is such a nice sister... Today we got a package in the mail from my mom with presents for our birthday's (all within the next month) and my sister added in a couple things of her own. I always have intentions of sending packages, but I never do.

I am: a woman
I think: a lot
I know: that the most important thing in life is my family and the gospel.
I want: to go swimming
I have: a new hair cut
I wish: I could help more people
I hate: it when people yell at their kids (myself included)
I miss: my family
I fear: cancer
I feel: happy
I hear: nothing!!! (My girls are all sleeping!)
I smell: nothing and I think that is a good thing... it means none of the girls are poopy :)
I crave: tortilla chips
I search: the scriptures
I wonder: what life will be like in 5 years
I regret: not being more involved in athletics when I was younger
I love: Jared and our girls
I care: about people
I always: love sitting outside when the weather is nice
I am not: going to do any more cleaning until I take some time for myself :)
I believe: in Christ
I dance: like nobody's watching :)
I sing: along with songs and it makes me smile when I know all the words
I don't always: do my hair
I write: in my journal about once a month
I win: most games that I play against Jared :) hahaha (he probably won't agree with me, but I am getting better at chess :))
I lose: one of the girls toys almost every time I go somewhere... good thing we get most of the stuff from yard sales :)
I never: want to hurt someone's feelings
I listen: to pandora
I can usually be found: at the computer, cleaning, or playing/taking care of the kids
I am scared: of falling down the stairs
I need: love, friends and good conversations
I am happy about: who I am and who I have become.