Sunday, October 12, 2008

Conversations with the Children

(after I got home from work)
Me: Did it snow today, or just rain?
Madeline: Just rain, but I have snow boots. They're just mine, and I don't have to share with Morgan. [her cousin]

(after Aliza said a prayer)
Madeline: That was a small prayer.
Me: But it had big faith.
Madeline: Yah, big prayers have small faith.

(as we are watching t.v. and Aliza is coloring with crayons)
Aliza as she shows a yellow crayon: Yellow, Mommy, yellow?
Mommy: Yep.
Aliza as she shows a RED crayon: Yellow, Mommy, yellow?
Mommy: No, that's red.
Aliza: Oh, red.
Aliza as she shows a Green crayon: Yellow, Daddy, yellow?
Me: No, that's green.
Aliza: Oh, green.
(repeat 20 times).

(we ran out of honey one day at lunch)
Jen: Madeline, remind me at the store to get honey.
(one week later as Jen is at the checkout line).
Madeline: Mommy, we need to get honey!

Me: Rachel, do you want a cracker?
Rachel: (nod yes)
Me: Rachel, do you want to go to bed?
Rachel: (nod no)


Bon said...

So cute Jen! Kids say the funniest things and I think it is so great that you are writing them down.

Jana said...

Your girls are so cute! I'll have to remember that reasoning about prayers . . .