My friend Katie tagged me. I think it's fun to do this even if my husband didn't really want me to do this :)
*What is your husbands name: Jared
*How long have you been married? 5 years in March!
*How long did you date? 9 months from when we started dating to when we got married.
*How old is he? 27
*Who eats sweets? Jared, but we are on the healthier side of things. I'd say neither of us has a really sweet tooth. (As I'm reading this to Jared he said, really? I didn't know that, I just eat alot of sweets at work that you don't know about...hmmmm)
*Who said I love you first? Jared
*Who is taller? Jared
*Who can sing best? I think we can both sing pretty well. Probably he's better overall though.
*Who is smarter? Depends on the subject. I'm starting to narrow the gap with chess and football knowledge though :)
*Who does laundry? Mostly me.
*Who pays bills? I do, with the help of the internet.
*Who sleeps on the right side? Why does it matter? I just always sleep closest to the door so I can easily get up to go to the bathroom :)
*Who mows the lawn? Both of us. I actually really like mowing the lawn and do it for exercise and to enjoy the beautiful morning before the girls wake up. I think I would prefer working outside to inside- Jared is the same way.
*Who cooks dinner? me, unless I want frozen burritos :)
*Who drives? Jared.
*Who is first to admit they are wrong? Jared says definitely him, but I really think it's pretty even most of the time. But he
is wrong more often :) hahaha
*Who kissed who first? It was mutual, but he did kiss me first
*Who asked who out first? He did.
*Who wears the pants? probably me, but I try to let him be in charge, but the saying, "if mamma ain't happy ain't nobody happy" runs true in our family:)