Earlier this week I was tagged twice. One friend wrote 30 short facts about her and the other wrote 6 detailed facts. I guess I could do both, but I'm just going to do 6 longer answers. By the way, I've been thinking about what I should write throughout the week, and it's been kind of fun trying to figure out things that people don't know about me.
The rules:
A. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning.
B. Each player lists 6 facts/habits about themselves.
C. At the end of the post, the player then tags 6 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.
1. I wish we could live the
law of consecration. The reason is because I really dislike money and with the law of consecration we might not have to deal with it so much. I have disliked money my entire life. (Not having money or the lack of it, just having to worry about what to do with it, how to pay bills, who to give it to if I were rich, etc.)When I was little and would make money I would always save it, and I hated it when I had to spend it. I think I would dislike money whether or not I was rich. If we lived the law of consecration (I think)we could use our talents and probably have a career we wanted because the amount of money we made wouldn't matter as much. It would be so nice to be able to have all we needed as long as we were doing our part.
*I revised this after some of the comments were made. I probably don't totally understand the law of consecration but it sounds good to me.
2. I would love to have a "room outside". I'll explain... because that sounds really funny. I love sleeping outside. I just love going outside in spring and fall when the weather is perfect, the wind blowing, and the sun shining. It is in my opinion one of the best ways to sleep. I can't really sleep that well outside though because I'm worried people will watch me and plus, I have to admit that the ground isn't that comfy and I don't really love bugs crawling all over me while I'm trying to sleep :) So I think it would be great to have a room that had all the feeling of being outside without the things I don't love :)
3. I strongly dislike (but not quite hate) T.V. I just feel like I am wasting so much time when I just sit and watch T.V. so this pretty much includes movies too. I still watch some T.V. but I have to be doing something else as well so I'm getting something done. Jared and I don't watch movies that often, and he always makes fun of me when we do because I almost always fall asleep. I have picked up a show this year, The Biggest Loser, and that is because I feel like it is a motivational show. It encourages people to get in shape, which is very needed in our society today. (this brings up #4)
4. I love exercising. Most people probably already know this about me, but it is a huge part of me. I really love it a ton! If I don't exercise I get so mean and cranky. It is a great way for me to have thinking time for myself, it helps me stay in shape, and it boosts my self esteem to know that I can follow an aerobics routine, or do 50 crunches or accomplish whatever workout I'm doing. If you're not exercising do it!
5. I'm a funny type of cleaning person. Sometimes I can handle it when the house is messy and others I feel like I'm going to go crazy if everything isn't completely perfect. Jared calls me the "Cleaning Nazi" when this happens, and sadly it usually happens on Friday. Probably because our "cleaning day" where we really clean is on Saturday so by Friday it's starting to get dirty enough to annoy me. I do have to say though that Jared and I clean up the living room and the girls room every night before bed. I think he realizes that we need to do this to keep my sanity :)
6. I love being a wife and mother and feel like it is my greatest purpose for being here in this life. I want to have a large family and am happy that Jared feels the same way. I am very thankful that we already have three daughters and I'm excited to see what else the Lord brings us.
I hope you have all enjoyed this blog. I'm now tagging Mary P., Stephanie H., Brianna S., Elizabeth P, Mom, and Melissa H.